How Can Cloud Computing Help In Education?


“Education is not the filling a bucket but the lighting of a fire.”  William Butler Yeats (1865–1939) Irish poet, dramatist

Educational system provides massive computing resources and powerful software with using cloud computing. Students can use these resources anywhere and any times they desire to use. Computing services are combined over internet by using cloud computing. Education can be flexible and better choice by taking advantage of cloud computing. Based on academic needs, used applications and platforms can be off premises, on premise or combination of these two.

Cloud computing have some advantages for education which helps educational institution resolves common challenges such as;



Cloud Callout:   Accessibility

Cloud Callout:  Cost
Cloud Callout:  Interoperability
Cloud Callout:  Flexibility
Cloud Callout:  Portability
Cloud Callout:  Reliability
256px-Cloud_computing_icon_svg_.pngCloud Callout:   Scalable
Cloud Callout:  Security and privacy

Cloud Callout:  Location 
Cloud Callout:  Data integrity

















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